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Daha fazla »Online oyunlar. Kabarcıklar. Tank oyunları. Futbol. Savaş oyunları. Atlar. …
Daha fazla »A bridge running as a parachain on Polkadot may have collators monitoring and translating the information between the Polkadot Relay Chain and an external chain, for example, Bitcoin. Another parachain bridge may be working in the same way with a different chain, for example, Ethereum. In this way the user could use their BTC to take part in a decentralized finance smart contract on Ethereum via Polkadot. Trust-Based Bridges. But how do you move your ETH tokens from the Ethereum network to a Layer 2 chain, like Arbitrum or Optimism, or Coinbase’s upcoming Base L2 network? Another approach to enabling cross-chain bridge transfers is by using a liquidity pool. With a liquidity pool, a cross-chain bridge provider holds inventory — or pools — of various coins where one can be exchanged for another. ChainX, a crypto assets gateway, is planning bridges to several networks and has implemented a BTC-to-Substrate bridge. …
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